Teaching 2022 FallMATH 3545 Introduction to Graph TheoryMATH 7233 Graph TheorySpringMATH 7382 (6)2021 FallMATH 3545 Introduction to Graph TheoryMATH 7233 Graph TheoryMATH 7733 (6)Springon sabbatical2020FallMATH 7233 Graph TheorySpringMATH 3545 Introduction to Graph TheoryMATH 7733 (4)2019 FallMATH 7233 Graph TheoryMATH 1341 Calculus 1 (for Sci/Eng)MATH 7382 (3)SpringMATH 7381 (4)2018 FallMATH 7233 Graph TheoryMATH 1341 Calculus 1 (for Sci/Eng)MATH 7741 (5)SpringMATH 7381 (3)2017FallMATH 7233 Graph TheoryMATH 1341 Calculus 1 (for Sci/Eng); 2 sectionsMATH 7733 (4)SpringMATH 1342 Calculus 2 (for Sci/Eng); 2 sections2016FallMATH 7233 Graph Theory2015FallMATH 7233 Graph TheoryMATH 2310 Discrete MathematicsSpringMATH 1342 Calculus 2 (for Sci/Eng)2014FallMATH 7233 Graph Theory